Did you know that there is more to the campus than just lecture halls? Check out all the great facilities available to you as a student at UiS.

For more information check out the UiS website and download the Min SiS app created by Studentsamskipnaden i Stavanger.

The student organization at the University of Stavanger (StOr) has prepared an overview over where you can get involved as a student: https://www.stavangerstudent.no/en/. What are you interested in? Sports, culture, politics, or something else?

During the introduction week at the beginning of the term called “Fadderfestivalen” in Norwegian, you can get to know the university and your fellow students better. There are activities for everyone: concerts, social activities, hikes and other sporty activities, study-related information, and much more. Keep yourself updated on Instagram and Facebook.

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